We will only accept applications from organisations which agree to abide by our terms and conditions. Please tick the declaration to confirm that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions.
I have read the Community Volunteers Terms and Conditions in relation to registering my organisation and agree to these conditions
· What role do you wish to recruit Community Volunteers for, what skills might they need for this role?
Please confirm you will have a named individual present on the day to support & supervise the Community Volunteers
Please confirm you will hold a briefing before the event to inform volunteers about the event/activities and their role
Please confirm the volunteers will be covered by your insurance (please note - we will not refer Community Volunteers to groups who do not have adequate insurance in place.)
Please confirm that you will assess any risks involved in engaging Community Volunteers and mitigate against these risks.
Please confirm the activities taken on by Community Volunteers will be purely for not-for-profit purposes
Please confirm your organisation supports equal opportunities