Select form language / Roghnaigh do theanga.
Please note that applications will not be processed unless all required information is provided. Additional information can be uploaded at the end of this application.
* denotes fields that are mandatory
Organisation Name
Grant Application Record Type
Close Date
Approval Status
Funding Category
Funding Category Applied For
Please select...
SDCSP Funding
Category of Grant
Please select...
Coach Training
Programme Delivery
1. Group Details
1.1 Name of Organisation
1.2 Address of Organisation
1.3 Name of Project for which funding is sought
Project refers to activity / equipment purchase / event for which funding is being sought
1.4 Name of Key Contact Person
1.5 Position of Contact Person
1.6 Address of Contact Person
1.7 Mobile Number of Contact Person
1.8 Email Address of Contact Person
Please Note: These contact details will be used for all communication regarding this application
Page 2
2. Project or Activity or Event Detail
2.1 Describe in DETAIL the proposed project on which your group intends to use Active South Dublin Funding.
Please include the target audience(s) for your grant
3. Financial Information
3.1 What is the full cost of your project €
3.2 Please provide a full breakdown of costs. Note that the items listed below must total the full cost of your project and will be the only items considered.
Cost of item €
Please Note:
Upload a seperate sheet if you do not have room to list a full breakdown of costs.
3.3 Total amount for which your are applying to Active € South Dublin
3.4 Amount of Own Funds Allocated to this project €
Please note should total cost of project exceed maximum grant available, the group must have own funds available to cover the additional costs.
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4. Other Details
4.1 Please state how any contribution from Active South Dublin will be acknowledged.
4.2 If you have a Public Participation Network Number (PPN), please provide it here
5. Relevant Supporting Documentation
Please attach a copy of a recent Bank Statement Header (as set out in the Sports Development Grant Criteria Booklet) and any other supporting documentation
Attach Bank Statment Header here
If you wish to attach documentation to this grant application, please do so below.
Attach Document here
Attach Document here
Attach Document here
If you have any more attachments, please email them directly to
, stating the name of your organisation in the subject line.
Page 4
6. Declaration
I have read the information regarding the criteria for the community funding scheme and I understand the conditions of the funding. I hereby declare that the information supplied on this funding application is accurate and complete. I understand that all of the information provided will be retained by South Dublin County Council and may be made available to other departments within the Council, as deemed appropriate.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by South Dublin County Council.
Click here to view South Dublin County Council Privacy Statement
Please tick this box to confirm that you have read the South Dublin County Council Privacy Statement
Marketing Opt-in
I consent to South Dublin County Council, through Active South Dublin, using my contact details to send me updates, news, and promotional communications about events, funding opportunities, and initiatives via email. This consent is optional and is not a condition for accessing any funding or services. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email or by contacting Active South Dublin. For further details on how my data is handled, please see the South Dublin County Council Privacy Policy
Declarer's Name
Declarer is the person authorised by his/her group to submit this application
Declarer's Position in the Org
Please select...
Declarer's Position if Other
Name of Chairperson
Email of Chairperson
Name of Secretary
Email of Secretary
You will receive a confirmation email when you submit this application.
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