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Fingal County Council

Community Culture Division
Funding Application Form

Please note that applications will not be processed unless all required information is provided. Additional information can be uploaded at the end of this application.                                                * denotes fields that are mandatory

Funding Category

Engagement with your Fingal County Council Community Development Officer

1. Group Details

Please check email correspondence from ppn@fingal.ie to confirm your FCCR number

Project refers to activity / equipment purchase / event for which funding is being sought

Please Note : These contact details will be used for all communication regarding this application

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2. Project or Activity Detail
2.1 Describe in DETAIL the proposed project (activity / event / purchase of equipment) on which your group intends to use Fingal County Council Funding. *
2.2 How will the project benefit your organisation or community? *
A benefit is the expected change in people, community, environment or organisations created by your project/ activity. For example, the benefit to a group awarded funding to run a training course could be (i) people will have an awareness of an issue, (ii) people will feel connected to this community and feel less isolated, (iii) people will have increased social skills. The benefit to a group awarded funding to purchase equipment could be that the community will benefit from increased participation.

A target / output will measure the end result of your project. For example, if a group is seeking funding to run a training programme, the expected target output could be (i) number of courses to be delivered, (ii) number of people expected to attend, (iii) number of people expected to gain a qualification.
2.4 Please tick the Priority Areas to which this grant application relates *

2.5 Please tick the categories that are most appropriate to the project to which this grant relates *

2.7 Target Group(s) that will benefit from this project *

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3. Safeguarding Children
This information MUST be provided if the project involves working with young people (under 18 years) and/or vulnerable people.

Note : all people working with young and/or vulnerable people must be Garda Vetted in compliance with the Children and Vulnerable Persons Act 2012 and adhere to current safeguarding legislation.

3.3 Children's Officer Details

3.4 Child Safeguarding Statement Details
4. Supplementary Information

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5. Financial Information
5.2 Please provide a full breakdown of costs.  Note that the items listed below must total the full cost of your project and will be the only items considered.
Item Cost of item € 
Please Note:
For all costs items over €100, you MUST attach a quotation. 
Upload a seperate sheet if you do not have room to list a full breakdown of costs.

All groups are eligible to apply for 100% of the total cost of the project to a maximum of €3,000.
5.4 Breakdown of how your project will be funded

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6. Declaration

Declarer is the person authorised by his/her group to submit this application

7. Relevant Supporting Documentation

For all costs over €100, you must upload a quotation

If you have any more attachments, please email them directly to communityfunding@fingal.ie
You will receive a confirmation email when you submit this application.