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Please note that applications will not be processed unless all required information is provided. Additional information can be uploaded at the end of this application.           
* denotes fields that are mandatory

Funding Category

This grant is aimed at new community groups/organisations to assist them to defray once-off start-up costs such as hiring meeting rooms, printing, publicity, insurance.

Applicants for this grant must provide details of the aims of their group and the specific costs for which the grant aid is required.


> Demonstrate the need for the Community Group.

> Demonstrate the sustainability of the group post funding.

> Submit project description.

> Demonstrate the wider impact on the local community.

This grant is provided to support existing groups/organisations that are in existence for a period of at least two years prior to their application and is to assist them in relation to ongoing running costs such as the production of a newsletter, insurance costs, facility hire, where no alternative funding is available.


> Demonstrate the need for such a grant.

> Submit financial records for previous two years.

> Submit current bank statement.

This grant is aimed at assisting community groups (such as local resident groups and local environmental groups) who are actively seeking to improve the local environment in the communities where they live. These activities, may include:

> Tree & shrub planting programmes, which must be agreed with Parks/Roads Department prior to works.

> Purchase of name stones for estates, which must be agreed with Parks/Roads Department prior to works.

> Purchase of equipment which is essential to complete the works.

> Other local environmental improvements which are approved by the Community Services Department.

> Where necessary, produce adequate insurance cover indemnifying South Dublin County Council.


> Details of the works proposed must be agreed with the Community Services Department before any work commences.

> This grant cannot be used to make payments to individuals or Companies who carry out environmental improvements on behalf of the group/organisation.

This grant is intended for the purchase and replacement of equipment, that community groups require to respond and assist with local community needs. Usually, expensive ‘major’ equipment is purchased occasionally, while smaller ‘minor’ equipment items may be required on an ongoing basis.

Groups can only apply for a Major Equipment Grant once every 2 years.

Groups cannot apply for a Major Equipment and Minor Equipment grant in the same year.


> Demonstrate the need for the equipment.

> Submit existing project description.

> Provide details of cost of equipment and supply at least 2 quotes.

The aim of this grant is to provide assistance to groups or Community Centres towards costs associated with setting up and maintaining an I.T. network, including purchase of essential technology.


> Demonstrate the need for such assistance.

> Demonstrate what co-financing is available.

> Submit estimated costs.

> Demonstrate the benefits that will accrue from the establishment of such a network.

> Demonstrate how many groups or Community Centres will form the network.

> Demonstrate how the group or Community Centre proposes to maintain/update the network.

> Demonstrate the security measures that will be in place to protect the equipment.

> Demonstrate the security measures that will be in place to protect both the user and the software from unauthorised use, for example; anti-virus software & Net nanny.

This grant is aimed at increasing the implementation of information technology in local Community Centres.


> Demonstrate the need for I.T. infrastructure.

> Demonstrate the projected usage of such infrastructure.

> Demonstrate the impact such infrastructure will have on the overall development of the Community Centre.

> Submit a Project Plan.

>Provide details of costings.

>Demonstrate the security measures that will be in place to protect the equipment.

>Demonstrate the security measures that will be in place to protect both the user and the software from unauthorised use, for example; anti-virus software & Net nanny.

This grant will be available to Community Centres once in any three-year period.

The opportunity to apply for this funding is made available to Community Organisations who wish to apply for funding assistance to assist with some of the costs associated with organising local Community Celebration Events.

Organising Groups must have the appropriate level of support from the local community and the relevant statutory agencies.

Prior approval and authorisation must be obtained from all relevant authorities in relation to the event(s) being proposed (i.e. Garda and SDCC Traffic/Roads Department if Road Closure is necessary) and written permission if using a Venue/Public space not owned by the community group itself.

The Organising Group(s) must also contribute and/or raise funds locally to assist with costs of the proposed community event, the amount of funding being applied for to SDCC should ideally never be over a maximum of 50% of the total costs of the event(s)

The Organising Group(s) must have appropriate public liability insurance in place and SDCC must be indemnified within the policy to the limit of €6.5 million.

This grant is intended to assist with the training costs/ competition of a sports person participating at international level representing Ireland.


> Applicant must be residing within South Dublin County.

> Applicant must be non-professional sports person representing Ireland.

> Applicant must be recognised by the respective National Governing Body of the particular sport.

The Council regrets that perishable and personal items will NOT be grant aided.
Summer Project Funding
South Dublin County Council has supported Summer Projects since its inception in 1994. We provide advice and support to all our Projects, and we provide grants to assist projects plan their activities.

Please note that South Dublin County Council will not be providing activities this year, and instead will be grant aiding Summer Projects to organise their own activities. 

Also, please note that by submitting this application you are agreeing to bide by the terms of our Summer Project Service Level agreement, a signed copy of which must be uploaded on the last page of this application.

The Summer Project team in South Dublin County Council are available to offer support,or to answer queries.

Closing Date for applications is Friday 9th May at 4pm 

Nurturing Grants for Summer Projects
In 2013 we introduced a new grant to encourage new Summer Projects in South Dublin in areas with little or no history of projects. This Grant will allow the applicant to slowly develop their project over a two-year period, allowing the Applicant to operate for a one week providing activities for 50 to 100 young persons.  The project must operate for five days, morning, afternoon and at least one evening session. The new Committee will be monitored and where necessary supported by our Community Staff. 


  • This project must be from an area with little or no history of Summer Project provision
  • The project must be an initiative of the local community
  • The structure should be a local voluntary committee established to meet the needs of Children/ Young People in the area.                          
  • The use of available community facilities (schools, community centres, halls, open spaces) is encouraged.             This grant is only available to projects based in the County, must include home-based activities.   
  • Prjects not complying with the criteria will not ordinarily be considered for funding. However, individual submissions will be considered on their merits. 
  • Projects are responsible for insuring that they meet all the requirements of the Child Protection legislation 
Summer Projects can range from a period of 2 weeks to 4 weeks and funding assistance will be calculated proportionately:

Summer Projects are aimed at providing a supervised programme of recreational and educational activities for young people over a consecutive number of weeks in the summer period. Emphasis is on community involvement and development of resources and groups within localities.

The use of available community facilities (schools, community centres, halls, open spaces) is encouraged.

Projects are responsible for insuring that they meet all the requirements of the Child Protection legislation.

This grant is only available to projects based in the County which must include home based activities on weekly basis.

  • Summer projects must run for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum period of 4 weeks.
  • Activities must be run on a minimum of five days out of every seven-day period.
  • The project must cater for a minimum of 100 young people from a defined local area.
  • The Summer Project Committee must be properly structured with Chairperson, Secretary &Treasurer
  • Youth Service operated projects must have local representatives on the Committee, they must be part of the planning and encouraged to take ownership of the projects.
  • A specific bank account must be set up and details provided.
  • A proposed programme of events must be provided to South Dublin County Council with the application for grant-aid.
  • All projects must be adequately insured. Proof of insurance must be submitted in advance.
  • Commercially based projects will not be considered eligible.
1. Group Details

Please note that Tax Registration Number is a requirement prior to any potential funding being released to your Group following a successful application.
If you do not currently have a valid Tax Registration Number, you can apply using the following link.

Project refers to activity / equipment purchase / event for which funding is being sought

Please Note: These contact details will be used for all communication regarding this application

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2. Project or Activity or Event Detail
2.1 Describe in DETAIL the proposed project (activity / event / purchase of equipment, etc.) on which your group intends to use South Dublin County Council Funding. *

A benefit is the expected change in people, community, environment or organisations created by your project/ activity. For example, the benefit to a group awarded funding to run a training course could be (i) people will have an awareness of an issue, (ii) people will feel connected to this community and feel less isolated, (iii) people will have increased social skills.

A target / output will measure the end result of your project. For example, if a group is seeking funding to run a training programme, the expected target output could be (i) number of courses to be delivered, (ii) number of people expected to attend, (iii) number of people expected to gain a qualification.
2.4 Safeguarding Children

This information MUST be provided if the project involves working with young people (under 18 years) and/or vulnerable people.

Note : all people working with young and/or vulnerable people must be Garda Vetted in compliance with the Children and Vulnerable Persons Act 2012 and adhere to current safeguarding legislation.

2.4.4 Children's Officer Details

2.4.5 Child Safeguarding Statement Details

Summer Project Information

2.5.3  Please confirm the duration of your Summer Project.  (Summer Projects must last no less than 5 days and up to 2, 3 or 4 weeks)

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3. Financial Information
3.2 Please provide a full breakdown of costs.  Note that the items listed below must total the full cost of your project and will be the only items considered.
Item Cost of item € 
Please Note:
Upload a seperate sheet if you do not have room to list a full breakdown of costs.
Proof of ongoing costs must be uploaded at the end of this application form
Depending on the category chosen, there is a limit on the amount you can enter
Please note should total cost of project exceed maximum grant available, the group must have own funds available to cover the additional costs.

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4. Insurance Details

Please Note: you will be asked to attach a copy of your insurance policy at the end of this grant application.
4. Insurance Details

5. Bank Details

Please Note: You will asked to attach your most recent 3 month bank statements and/or Audited Accounts at the end of this grant application.
6. Other Details

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7. Relevant Supporting Documentation

Click here to download our 2025 Summer Project Service Level Agreement

Please print this, sign it and attach it below. 

If you wish to attach documentation to this grant application, please do so below. 

If you have any more attachments, please email them directly to communitygrants@sdublincoco.ie, stating the name of your organisation in the subject line.
8. Declaration

Declarer is the person authorised by his/her group to submit this application

You will receive a confirmation email when you submit this application.
You will receive a confirmation email with a copy of this application form when you submit this application.  Please contact us at communitygrants@sdublincoco.ie if you do not receive this email